12 Days of #108Mas: The 5 – SNL Christmas Skits

There is no possible way to get all the greatness that SNL has done for Christmas over the years. So here are five of my favorites to kick it off. Let’s see your favorites out on the Twitterverse:

5. (Do It On My) Twin Bed

This one always cracks me up, because it is the true untold story of holiday travel with a significant other.

4. It’s a Wonderful Life: The Lost Ending

This comes from probably my least favorite era of SNL and it parodies the end of one of my favorite Christmas movies. But damn do they nail it. This is the only way the end of that film could be any more rewarding.

3. Schweddy Balls

You really think you’re gonna be in for a cheap, one use joke, but these three deliver one of the funniest skits in SNL holiday history.

2. Mister Robinson’s Neighborhood

There is no hiding the love for Eddie that the 108 has. This is no exception. Mister Robinson’s Neighborhood is peak Eddie and the Christmas special does not disappoint.

1. Dick in a box

It’s hard to remember a time when we didn’t know that Justin Timberlake was good at this type of shit, but this was really the beginning. Andy Samberg brings us a track like many we know him for now. I honestly watched this 5 times while I was writing this.


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