Tag: chris sale

The Dream I just can’t forget…

I usually use these web pages to tear apart theories and half-cocked ideas that I have about baseball and other things, but not today. TODAY,...

The Power Of A Shirt.

Doing us an extreme solid, his clothing for the night was our Jersey Demolition shirt. Yes, he rocks. Yes, he even paid for...

Holiday Weekend Round Up!

It's MSS and here is your Weekend Round-Up! My original idea was to live blog this weekend, but I decided that I needed to be...

Hey You – Buy Our Stuff.

WE MADE ANOTHER SHIRT! Isn't it funny that "shirt" and "shit" are only an "r" away? How about that....

The Rebuild is Happening!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It finally happened!! It is your buddy BeefLoaf.......we are back again, and Rick Hahn has exceeded my expectations on the Chris Sale trade....

The 5 – Reasons TO Buy The Hype

For us who have suffered through the past few seasons, we deserve this. The players deserve this. Ventura deserves this. Here's my 5 reasons to...